| 1. | The human organism is thus still developing biologically while already standing in a relationship to its environment 值此,人类的有机体在与其环境已具有关系的同时仍然有生物性的发展。 |
| 2. | The human organism is thus still developing biologically while already standing in a relationship to its environment 因此人类的有机体已和所处的环境发生关系时,仍然也有生物性的发展。 |
| 3. | Because crying is a natural function of the human organism which is designed to restore the emotionally disequilibrated person to a state of equilibrium 因为哭是人这种生物的一种自然功能,能使人从感情失衡的状态恢复到平衡状态。 |
| 4. | This means that the human organism is capable of applying its constitutionally given equipment to a very wide and , in addition , constantly variable and varying range of activities 这也说明人类机体可以透过他的先天配备应用在非常广大、持续和多样的行为?围。 |
| 5. | " the common development of the human organism and the human self in a socially determined environment is related to the peculiarly human relationship between organism and self . 在社会规定的环境中,人类有机体和自我的共同发展,和人类特有的有机体与自我两者之关联是相关的。 |
| 6. | Despite the obvious physiological limits to the range of possible and different ways of becoming man in this double environmental interrelationship the human organism manifests immense plasiticity in its response to the environmental forces at work on it 除了生理上明显的限制和人类在这种双生意义的环境中成为人的过程,从他对环境力量的回应中显示出无限的可塑性。 |
| 7. | Despite the obvious physiological limits to the range of possible and different ways of becoming man in this double environmental interrelationship the human organism manifests an immense plasticity in its response to the environmental forces at work on it 人类机体,除了明显地生理限制,显示出其对所处环境力量极好的弹性,在可能的?围及在双元环境的相互关联下以不同方式成为人。 |
| 8. | Philosophically , the curriculum is founded on the premise that physical education is more than strength training , flexibility and aerobic fitness ; physical education is also the development of our ability to access and benefit from the physical intelligence of the human organism 以哲学的角度观之,这些活动建立在体育又较肌力训练、柔软度与有氧运动更为重要的前提之下;体育亦培养我们自人体体智能获益的能力。 |
| 9. | Conscious that the human organism , normally capable of sustaining an atmospheric pressure of 19 tons , when elevated to a considerable altitude in the terrestrial atmosphere suffered with arithmetical progression of intensity , according as the line of demarcation between troposphere and stratosphere was approximated , from nasal hemorrhage , impeded respiration and vertigo , when proposing this problem for solution he had conjectured as a working hypothesis which could not be proved impossible that a more adaptable and differently anatomically constructed race of beings might subsist otherwise under martian , mercurial , veneral , jovian , saturnian , neptunian or uranian sufficient and equivalent conditions , though an apogean humanity of beings created in varying forms with finite differences resulting similar to the whole and to one another would probably there as here remain inalterably and inalienably attached to vanities , to vanities of vanities and all that is vanity 人体组织通常能够抗得住十九吨的气压169 ,可是一旦在地球的大气层里上升到相当的高度,越是接近对流层与平流层的境界线,鼻孔出血吸呼困难以及眩晕,随着算术级数就越发严重起来。他晓得这一点,寻求解答时就设想出这样一个难以证明是不可能的行之有效的假定:倘若换个更富于适应性,解剖学上的构造也有所不同的种族,说不定就能在火星水星金星木星土星海王星或天王星那充足而相同的条件下生存下来。然而那个远地点170的人类种族,尽管在构造方面与地球上的人类有着一定限度的不同之处,整个来说彼此却有着相似的种种形态。 |